Lakha Lama, ”We are the creator”, 26-28 februari

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Vi har glädjen att meddela att Lakha Lama kommer till vår förening i februari och föreläser på temat; ”We are the creator”

Lakha Lama

Was born in Tibet in 1942 and five years later enthroned as the reincarnated Lama of Batang and thus selected as the spiritual leader of more than 100,000 Tibetans in Eastern Tibet.

In 1959 Lakha Lama fled to India, and for five years was a politician in the in the Tibetan Exile Government together with HH Dalai Lama. In 1976 he left India and came to Denmark.

Lakha Lama as a refugee experienced losing everything. He has made use of the Buddhist philosophy and understanding of the human mind and its deep resources in his daily life, and can therefore pass on this wisdom not only in terms of his knowledge of Buddhism through his studies, but also drawing from his rich personal life experiences.

Program och tid;

Fredag; 26 februari
Tid; 18 30- 20 30′
Tema; The way to understand the buddhist term: ”We are the creator”

Lördag; 27 februari
Tid; 10.30 – 16.00
Tema; ”Deeper Explanation of the Chenrezig recitation”

Söndag; 28 februari
Tid 10.30 – 16.00
Tema; ”Four Noble Truths”

Kursavgift; medlemmar 800 kronor, icke- medlemmar 900 kronorEnbart fredag 100,00 kronor, föredraget, kontant på plats går bra.

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