Venerable Fedor Stracke Tantra, 5 – 7 december


Vajrayana practices are incredibly powerful. However, the quick development and power of the practice can be dangerous if done incorrectly, so our foundation must be firm before we begin practicing Tantra. During the two weekend courses we will go through what is required to practice Tantra. We will also receive some explanations on the different aspects and practices of Tantra. There will be possibility to ask questions on this profound and immensely precious subject.

This weekend course is the second of the two VM-courses during the Autumn 2013 and with it we end the entire three year course Wisdom and Compassion. During these two weekends we will follow Geshe Tashi Tsering’s book “Tantra”, which is the last volume in the Foundation of Buddhist Thought series.

Fredag 5 december kl 18.30 – 20.30
Lördag 6 december kl 10.00 – 17.00
Söndag 7 december kl 10.00 – 17.00

Kursavgift: 550 kr (650 kr för icke-medlemmar)

Anmälan görs på lista i lokalen eller till Avgiften betalas till föreningens plusgiro senast en vecka före kursstart.

För mer information om kurserna, mejla Kursen hålls på engelska. Varmt välkomna!