Geshe Graham Woodhouse, Four Seals, 8-10 maj 2015


Geshe Graham Woodhouse kommer från England och är en av de bara en handfull västerlänningar som har tagit en komplett tibetansk Geshe-examen på traditionellt sätt efter 16 års studier i Indien.

Han ordinerades som munk av HH Dalai Lama 1994, studerade huvudsakligen på Buddhist School of Dialectics i Dharamsala och fick sin Geshe-examen från Drepung Loseling-klostret i södra Indien 2006.

The Four Seals

For a presentation of philosophy to be considered Buddhist, it should subscribe to four principles called the four seals:
1. All compounded things are impermanent.
2. All contaminated phenomena are suffering.
3. All phenomena are empty and selfless.
4. Nirvana is peace.

Just like a king’s seal on a document, the presence of these four seals guarantees a document or a teaching’s authenticity as an expression of Buddhist views.

Geshe Graham Woodhouse will lead discussion and meditation on these four principles of Buddhist philosophy based on his own translation of a text by Gen Lamrimpa Ngawang Puntsok, Eliminating the Darkness of Ignorance, concentrating especially on the Buddhist teachings on impermanence, coarse and subtle.

We will use logic and try out some basics in traditional Tibetan Buddhist debate as a tool to investigate on the actual proof of impermanence.

Fredag 8 maj, kl 18.30 – 20.30
Lördag 9 maj, kl 10.00 – 17.00
Söndag 10 maj, kl 10.00 – 17.00

Avgift: 650 kr (icke medlem 750 kr) + frivillig gåva

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