A Weekend Exploration of Time and Space
41 years ago, Tarthang Rinpoche introduced the Time, Space and Knowledge vision. A few students have been exploring and practicing with the vision for decades, and now it appears “the time is right” for it to be presented widely.
This weekend workshop will guide participants through a variety of dynamic and experiential encounters with space and time, allowing fresh insights into these wondrous dimensions. We will focus strongly on TSK exercises and lots of practice together, and then connect our practice experience to key points of the vision.
The basis for this weekend workshop is topics from Tarthang Rinpoche’s first TSK book, Time, Space and Knowledge: A New Vision of Reality. We will not spend time “in the book” itself. But, as our weekend guide says, “Once you begin to get even brief glimpses of the reality and power of the TSK vision, through practicing the exercises, our own experience provides astonishingly revelatory insights into the openness of space, the dynamism of time, and the pervasiveness of knowledge, present and available right now in our lives.”
Do join us! The weekend experience will be a wonderful introduction, which students can follow-up with participation in a series of on-line courses that explore the TSK vision in depth.
Carolyn Pasternak has been a student of Tarthang Rinpoche, studying, practicing, and working in the Tibetan Nyingma Meditation Center and its projects for the past 40 years. She is a director of the Yeshe De Text Preservation Project which has produced 6 million books donated to Tibetan Buddhist monks, nuns, laypeople, monasteries, and colleges in Asia. She is also a co-Director of Nyingma Centers which oversees and supervises four international Nyingma centers in the West, and she has legal, administrative, financial and management responsibilities in TNMC and at its Odiyan Retreat Center. In two former periods of time, she was a practicing lawyer representing the Navajo Tribe and Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians in major litigation involving historical treaty violations. Carolyn studied and practiced TSK intensively from 1979 – 1981, and then had to set that aside as her other responsibilities grew. She came back to TSK in 2017, has fallen in love with it again, and has begun sharing her experiential understanding, enthusiasm, and appreciation of the vision in on-line classes.
Hur fick du kontakt med TSK?
Om övningarna.
Hur gör man för att kontakta TSK-visionen?
Vad är Time, Space & Knowledge?
TSK för nya.
TSK-studenter berättar, Annette Kögler:
Friday November 23, 2018
kl 19:00 to 21:00 Opening the Door and Entering Space
Saturday November 24, 2018
10:00 to 11:00 Space Inside, Space Outside, Space Appearing
Tea break
11:15 to 12.15 Incredible Journey through Body Space
Lunch break
14:00 to 15:20 Space Trip Through Cells and Beyond
Tea break
15:40 to 17:00 Opening Mental Spaces
Sunday November 25, 2018
10:00 to 11:00am Separation Healed in Time
Tea break
11:15 to 12.15 Time the Source of Inspiration and Spontaneity
Lunch break
14:00 to 17:00 Knowing Reflecting Through Time and Space
Workshop Fee: 1100 sek
Anmälan görs genom att avgiften betalas in till föreningens Plusgiro nr 831 87 20-3
eller Swish nr 123 018 21 21.
Skicka sedan ett mail till stig@tibetanskbuddhism.se
och berätta att du betalt och vill anmäla dig.
Du kan också maila Stig om du har frågor om kursen eller om TSK i allmänhet.
Det går även att komma endast fredag kväll kl 19.00-21.00
Avgift: 200 sek
Några TSK-böcker kommer att finnas till försäljning, om du vill vara säker på att kunna köpa en bok meddela oss minst en månad innan så skall vi försöka se till så tillräckligt många böcker finns på lager.
Hjärtligt välkommen!
PS. Du kan här se vilka böcker som ingår i Time, Space and Knowledge-serien.