Kum Nye Yoga – Workshop 29-31 Augusti 2014

Workshop med Britta Hauenschild


“It is important that we enjoy our lives… The enjoyment we need is joy that flows through us like a deep current supporting us through all manner of experience. It is the juice, the rich nectar of life itself, the source of meaning and all positive qualities. This is the kind of enjoyment that Kum Nye provides.”
(Tarthang Tulku in: The Joy of Being)

We all know how the presence or absence of the quality of joy makes a fundamental difference for our lives.
With joy, we feel well nourished, everything goes easy, we have pleasant contacts with others and we have a sense of abundance, richness and meaning. Joy can even be an armament against negativity and can help us to heal the negative patterns from the past that burden us.

In daily life we rarely have much influence on how joyful our lives are, but with Kum Nye we can learn how to cultivate the quality of joy:

  • by relaxing our bodies and minds
  • by melting the blockages that keep off joy
  • by opening the senses, so that they become more open for the richness around that can satisfy us.

When we train joy in this way, our own lives can become brighter and we can even brighten up the lives of others.

Britta Hauenschild is practicing Kum Nye since 1988 and teaching for the German Nyingma Zentrum in Cologne since 1994. She has found great value and possibilities in this technique for herself and enjoys sharing them.

Kursen hålls på engelska men går bra att följa även för dem med begränsade språkkunskaper. 

Fredag 29 augusti 18.30-21.00 (det går att delta endast fredag)
Lördag 30 augusti 10.00-17.00
Söndag 31 augusti 10.00-16.00

Avgift workshop: 800 kr medlemmar (900 kr för icke medlemmar)
Avgift endast fredag: 150 kr
För frågor och anmälan skicka mail till stig@tibetanskbuddhism.se
Avgiften för kursen sätts in på föreningens plusgirokonto 831 87 20-3
Mail med anmälan skickas + inbetalning görs senast 15 augusti, men det finns fortfarande några platser så hör av er om ni är intresserade av att delta.