Mindtraining, Geshe Pema Dorjee, 16 – 18 november

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ÄMNE: Eight verses for training the mind (beskrivs längre ner)

Föreningen för Tibetansk Buddhism i Göteborg, LINNEGATAN 21 B, Göteborg, (i Viktoriahuset, dvs samma hus som Haga Bion) www.tibetanskbuddhism.se

Fredag 16 november, 18.30 – 21:00 (introducerande föredrag)
Lördag 17 november, 10.00 – 17.00 (lunchuppehåll ca 13.00-14.00)
Söndag 18 november, 10.00 – 17.00 (lunchuppehåll ca 13.00-14.00)

ANMÄLAN görs via email till helen.persson@tibetanskbuddhism.se

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The Eight Verses for Training the Mind is a classic short Tibetan Buddhist text in the lojong – mind training — tradition composed by the Kadampa Geshe Langri Tangpa, who lived from 1054 to 1123 CE.

Lo-jong, or mind training, is a Tibetan tradition of mental and emotional cultivation. The practice is aimed at helping a person become more compassionate towards others, including friends and enemies, which can be very beneficial in daily life.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama say:
“The essential message of the lojong teaching is that if we want to see a better world, we should begin by improving our own mind. For me, the lojong tradition stands as the heart of the Buddha’s message of peace. It teaches us how to regard others with the dignity and care that they deserve, and also how to transcend the limitations of conventional ego-grasping. In brief, it is a guideline for our own enlightenment, leading to enlightened conduct in our own dealings with others.”

Root text ”Training the mind” in english with commentarys by H H the Dalai Lama:
”Transforming the mind”, book by H H the Dalai Lama:
”Essential mind training”, book by Thubten Jimpa (translator for H H the Dalai Lama) include ”eighteen individual works selected from Mind Training: The Great Collection, the earliest compilation of mind-training (lojong) literature. The first volume of the historic Tibetan Classics series, Essential Mind Training includes both lesser-known and renowned classics such as Eight Verses on Mind Training and The Seven-Point Mind Training. These texts offer methods for practicing the golden rule of learning to love your neighbor as yourself and are full of practical and down-to-earth advice.”

Born in Tibet, Geshe Pema Dorjee escaped 1959 as a refugee to India with his family. He studied Buddhist philosophy in India. Amongst his academic appointments, he was Director of the Tibetan Children’s Village and was the first Principal of the College for Higher Tibetan Studies. At the request of H.H. the Dalai Lama, he founded and continues to direct both the Bodong Research and Publication Center in Dharamsala and the Bodong monastery and school in Kathmandu. He devotes the rest of his time to organizing and directing humanitarian projects http://pema-dorjee.org in Himalayan India and Nepal and to teaching and lecturing around the world, including Sweden, England, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Norway, France, and Israel.
More about Geshe Pema Dorjee: http://www.buddhistcharity.org/gesheCV.php

Geshe Pema Dorjee at Facebook: